Scenario 1:
Phase 1 - Detection of Major Incident


SDADetection commences with steps to identify the presence of a MI in the environment.  Issues can be reported through a variety of channels -- through IT operations, alerts sent by monitored systems, or by customers contacting the Service Desk directly with issues. 

Key notes:

Test your knowledge:

TECH/IRT The Data Center Operations team is monitoring the systems running in the data center. The Technician studies the monitor and confirms that there is unusual activity on one of the server hubs.  He suspects that there is an issue and contacts the Server Engineer who is on-call to see what he can find out. Together they start working to troubleshoot the issue.

Question Question

What next steps should be taken if a potential MI is detected?

A. Both the Server Engineer and the Data Center Technician notify their department managers according to internal escalation procedures.  A call to the Service Desk is also placed to report the issue and open a ticket. 
B. Continue to troubleshoot and work until the problem is solved.  Then let everyone know you’ve fixed it. No need to report the incident to the Service Desk as it has already been resolved. 

The correct answer is A.


A. CORRECT Notify your manager if you think that an issue has any potential to evolve into a disruption for the organization. Always notify the Service Desk of any incident so that a ticket can be opened. Alerting your manager and the Service Desk within minutes of detection will ultimately heighten awareness of the issue.

B. Not Correct: Balancing the need to trace and correct the issue, “troubleshoot”, and the importance of reporting the issue quickly can be difficult. Both are important. Alerting your manager and the Service Desk will ultimately heighten awareness and it is not necessary to understand the exact cause or the intended solution at this point. But communicating early may provide you with needed information that will make troubleshooting more effective.

Please provide a correct answer to advance to the next slide.
