Design Process with
Making sure our clients know what's happening is very important. We have established processes to help us manage the project; to meet our client’s expectations; to "get it right the first time", and deliver the project on time and on budget.
Without a clearly stated mission and objectives the project will drift, bog down, or continue past an appropriate endpoint. Careful planning and a clear purpose are the keys to success in building courses or websites.
- Readdress Scope and Budget
- Readdress Tech Requirements
- Establish a Method of Version Control
- Setup a File Structure
- Address Site Maintenance

Production Process and Deliverables
- Content Inventory
- Site Map
- Project Plan
- Mockup
- StyleSheet
- Template
- Prototype
- Populate Site
- Navigation Structure
- Usability Test
- Alpha Test
- Beta Test
- Launch
Every significant project poses unique challenges, but the overall process of developing a complex courses or websites generally follows these major stages:
1. Define the Specifications
First we analyze your goals and the project benefits. We determine your expectations and the desired site content. An overall strategy, time line and cost estimate for production is established.2. Site Map, Color Palette, Mock-up:
This is the graphical representation of what the site's going to look like. We will present 1 version for the organization to select from. The client can request minor changes to be done to the selected mock-up design before finalizing.3. Template/Prototype:
Create web-based template based on the approved mock-up of the page design.4. Content Implementation:
Before the start of a project the client must provide all final and edited content. Content is added to the templates.5. Site Navigation Structure
Code is written, and the menu or site navigation system is developed.6. Other Implementations:
Any special implementations like forms.7. Client Review
The site is uploaded onto our server for the client to review at any time. Revisions plus new or modified requirements are obtained from the client. Again, this is an iterative process and user feedback is again integrated into the site.8. Full Testing and Debugging
After final review from the client, the site then undergoes complete testing and final revisions are incorporated. Final approval is obtained from the client. The course or website is submitted to the client for Alpha and Beta testing. (About one week to get feedback, and another week to make changes for each phase of testing).
- Alpha Testing (1-week)
- feedback - make changes- Beta Testing (1-week) )
- feedback - make final changes ready to launch site.7. Launch the Final Course or Website:
The final version is uploaded to your server for site launch!
This entire process can take from three weeks to three months, depending on the complexity of the project.
We look forward to working with you!