Submitting Final Content and Images
Preferred File Formats
All new or revised content (text, images, photos) must be submitted in final form. It's important that you edit and proof all of your content before submitting it for the course or website.
Final Content including text, logos and photos must be provided before design process begins. We prefer to have high resolution graphics so we may use your images in the site design without compromising the quality.
Sending files as attachments to emails can be a problem. Rather than try to send files via email, we will create an online repository or workgroup online for you to upload all of your content.
Please name your text and graphic files to coincide with each specific page, and reference them accordingly in your content.

- The client must furnish final content as a word-processed file, carefully edited and proofread.
- Files must be named to coincide with each specific page. Include bolded and italic type where you prefer.
- Indicate links by underlining the linking point. Include the URL/Address of the site you wish to link to.
- One round of minor text edits is permitted at the final approval stage.
- It is important to send your final and edited text, rather than have us edit existing copy word for word. Your revised text will replace the specified page in its entirety.
- Additional change cycles or revisions thereafter carry additional fees
at our standard hourly rates.
Preferred Format: .rft, .doc
- Your logo is the first impression you give to potential clients, therefore, your company logo will be incorporated into the design.
- Clients can provide their own logo or graphics in a format compatible with Adobe Illustrator (.eps, ai, .psd). Client images should be on a transparent background, otherwise additional Illustration fees apply.
- GIF images are low resolution and will need to be modified. Additional Illustration fees will apply.
- Additional fees apply to develop an original logo design or rebuild
the logo art file.
Preferred Format: .psd, .eps, .ai - transparent background
- Development of your pages will not begin until all images are provided. This way we have a sense of all of the graphic elements that will contribute to the site design before we begin.
- Submit high resolution, photos that you wish to include in the design, or stock photos from and/or another reputable stock library will be substituted.
- Photos selected from stock photo libraries of images and from and/or another reputable stock library are not included in the fees.
- Cropping photos is at our discretion.
Preferred Format: .jpg - 160- 300 ppi
New Course or Website Production
- Development of your pages will not begin until all content for all pages is provided.
- One round of minor text edits is permitted at the final approval stage.
- Edits for all pages must be provided at the same time.
- Additional change cycles thereafter can carry additional fees at our standard hourly rates.
- Designs must be approved within two business days of presentation.
- Graphic changes made after design approval can be extremely time consuming and will incur additional charges.
To Submit Revisions to your existing Course or Website
To insure that your updates are accurate and completed in a timely manner:
- Edits for all pages must be provided at the same time.
- Please send your final and edited text, rather than have us edit existing copy word for word. Your revised text will replace the specified page in its entirety.
- Make sure you specify the URL (web address)
for each page to be changed.
- If you are including changes in the body of an email, put the complete URL of the page to be updated in the SUBJECT LINE.
- Please name your text and graphic files to coincide with each specific page, and reference them accordingly in your content.